Carmelo Baglivo

Architect Rome / Italy

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Carmelo Baglivo 28
Carmelo Baglivo
Carmelo Baglivo has obtained the Diplome cum laude in Architecture in July 1993 at "La Sapienza" University, Rome. In 1994 he took part in the 6° International Seminar "Naples Architecture and City" organized by the Italian magazine on architecture Domus, by the Frankfurt Museum of Architecture and the University of Naples. He gains experience in executive design and takes part in many international design competitions. In 1992 he wins an international competition published by the Municipality o
Carmelo Baglivo
Carmelo Baglivo
Teams 1 teams

Carmelo Baglivo has obtained the Diplome cum laude in Architecture in July 1993 at "La Sapienza" University, Rome. In 1994 he took part in the 6° International Seminar "Naples Architecture and City" organized by the Italian magazine on architecture Domus, by the Frankfurt Museum of Architecture and the University of Naples. He gains experience in executive design and takes part in many international design competitions. In 1992 he wins an international competition published by the Municipality o