ARCHILOCO studio associato

Architecture Firm Turin / Italy

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ARCHILOCO studio associato 13
ARCHILOCO studio associato
At the end of the ‘90s the owners of the study undertook a process of discussion of issues related to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency in buildings, exploitation of renewable energy sources and use of natural materials. Through the gradual introduction of these issues within projects, the most appropriate technology mix to achieve the set goals was identified from time to time. The results of the research of innovative solutions and contemporary formal languages tailored to the context of insertion, were applied in the implementation of school buildings, mainly aimed at children, within which the technological component was emphasized and valued also for learning, to promote the growth of environmental awareness of both educators and children. The Primary School of Piobesi Torinese, in particular, has been appreciated and awarded with several prestigious awards: the Environmental and social sustainability Award promoted by Ancitel Energia e Ambiente + Gruppo Saint Gobain (2010), the Architectures Revealed Award awarded by OAT Torino (2011), the Energy Efficiency Award promoted by ABB (2011). The production within the public sphere involved the development of projects relating to teaching (seismic resistant according to italian law), spaces for culture and socialization, while the private sphere activities range from residential to interior design. The opportunities to approach to the activity of conservation, restoration and enhancement of the architectural heritage have also been important. Laura Porporato, born in Turin in 1961, architect and founder, graduated at the Politecnico of Turin. Silvano Bandolin, born in Turin in 1959, architect and founder, graduated at the Politecnico of Turin.
ARCHILOCO studio associato
ARCHILOCO studio associato
  • Address Via Paolo Sacchi, 40, 10128 Turin | Italy
  • Tel 0115684000
  • Fax 0115088602

At the end of the ‘90s the owners of the study undertook a process of discussion of issues related to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency in buildings, exploitation of renewable energy sources and use of natural materials. Through the gradual introduction of these issues within projects, the most appropriate technology mix to achieve the set goals was identified from time to time. The results of the research of innovative solutions and contemporary formal languages tailored to...