Roberto Monte
Designer Pagani / Italy

ARE WE HUMAN? The Design of the Species - 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial 2016
Provincia di Istanbul / Turkey / 2016

"Silent Spring. La Rivoluzione Silenziosa" - Fuorisalone 2014 - Spazio Carmilla Gallery
Milan / Italy / 2014

Fondazione Cesaretti Award - Excellences for Sustainability 2011
Naples / Italy / 2011

Think IT Green urban performance
Milan / Italy / 2011

Pianta.La outdoor lamp
Milan / Italy / 2009

Paolo.a_outdoor seating
Milan / Italy / 2007

La Stanza Urbana urban performance
Bologna / Italy / 2006
Studio di interior industrial graphic design

- Address Via T.Cauciello, 44, 84016 Pagani | Italy
- Tel 3881604866
Studio di interior industrial graphic design