Dame Zaha Hadid, 1950-2016

by roberta dragone
79 Love 13054 Visits

The Archilovers family is deeply saddened by the passing of Dame Zaha Hadid. She was truly a pioneer in the field of architecture.

The greatest female architect in the world today, she was interested in the interface between architecture, landscape, and geology; which her practice integrates with the use of innovative technologies often resulting in unexpected and dynamic architectural forms.

Since her first works, she has been recognized for her unconventional and audacious language, able to triumph in a traditionally male-dominated field.

In 2004, Zaha Hadid became the first woman to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She twice won the UK’s most prestigious architecture award, the RIBA Stirling Prize: in 2010 for the MAXXI Museum in Rome, a building for the staging of 21st century art, the distillation of years of experimentation, a mature piece of architecture conveying a calmness that belies the complexities of its form and organisation; and the Evelyn Grace Academy, a unique design, expertly inserted into an extremely tight site, that shows the students, staff and local residents they are valued and celebrates the school’s specialism throughout its fabric, with views of student participation at every turn.

Her projects are spread around the world. Baku, in Azerbaigian, hosts the Heydar Aliyev Center; the The Galaxy SOHO in Beijing has become one of the major tourist sites; in Seoul, South Korea, the Dongdaemun Design Plaza is a propulsory for the architecture and design culture of the city; inaugurated in Moscow in 2015, the Dominion Office Building is one of the first projects to be completed in a mainly industrial and residential area of the city.
For her adoptive city, she created the London 2012 Aquatics Center, an imposing sports complex constructed for the occasion of the 2012 Olympics; in Montpellier, France, her work's name is Pierresvives.

Tom Pritzker, Chairman of the Hyatt Foundation which sponsors the prize, said: Zaha represented the highest aspirations of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She combined her vision and intellect with a force of personality that left no room for complacency. She made a real difference.

We share the significant words from Norman Foster’s touching Tribute to Dame Zaha:

I am devastated by the news of the loss of Zaha Hadid and cannot comprehend the enormity of her passing away. I became very close to her as a friend and colleague in parallel with my deep respect for her as an architect of immense stature and global significance.

She was one of the very few architects as friends who was invited to my 80th Birthday Party in London last year. By a strange coincidence some days ago I received an email from one of her clients – someone she had designed a home for. With great pride he sent me about twenty pairs of images. Each pair showed the visualisation that Zaha presented and the reality as finally built. It was a beautiful juxtaposition of what Zaha promised and what she delivered. I was so looking forward to sharing with her these intimate insights. Tragically that will never happen.

I think it was Zaha’s triumph to go beyond the beautiful graphic visions of her sculptural approach to architecture into reality that so upset some of her critics. She was an individual of great courage, conviction and tenacity. It is rare to find these qualities tied to a free creative spirit. That is why her loss is so profound and her example so inspirational. And, besides, she was my dear friend.

A truly revolutionary mind in the field of architecture. Dame Zaha, we’ll miss you.


  • raimondo licastro

    Addio all'icona più rivoluzionaria che l'architettura abbia mai avuto fino ad ora.

  • raimondo licastro

    Addio all'icona più rivoluzionaria che l'architettura abbia mai avuto fino ad ora.

  • Pietro Petrianni

    Leaves a great void she who has been able to fill it with elegance and wisdom.

  • Alessandra Raffone

    Una grande donna e un grande architetto ci ha lasciato troppo presto.... Grazie per le stupende opere e il tuo grande talento e coraggio, Dame Zaha!

  • fulvio falini

    Inestimabile perdita umana, ci lascia la donna architetto più geniale al mondo. Immensa gratitudine per le sue opere che rimarranno per sempre nei nostri cuori.

  • Natale Sabella

    Natale Sabella, architetto 1 Aprile 2016 Oggi è salita al cielo dell'architettura celeste, la madre dell'arte e dell'architettura contemporanea nel mondo , Signora Zaha Hadid, geniale, fecondo architetto, universalmente riconosciuto, creatrice di grandi opere e di una grande scuola. Lascia all'umanità un patrimonio culturale che permarrà indissolubile nel tempo.

  • Ettore Lazzarotto

    E' stata la firma di un grande studio di architettura. Vada il mio augurio a tutti i suoi collaboratori affinché quanto è custodito venga divulgato e realizzato secondo la sapienza ed il buon gusto di sempre. Arch. Ettore Lazzarotto - Roma

  • Saeed Javidan

    روحت شاد

  • Алена Рязанова

    Великая женщина.

  • al- Lekiri

    "To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return."

  • Frank Lee


  • Gerald Krivoschokov

    ОНА в Истории Архитектуры и Дизайна - НАВСЕГДА!



Rome / Italy / 2010

Evelyn Grace Academy 56

Evelyn Grace Academy

London / United Kingdom / 2010

Heydar Aliyev Center 323

Heydar Aliyev Center

Baku / Azerbaijan / 2013

The Galaxy SOHO 253

The Galaxy SOHO

Beijing / China / 2012

Dongdaemun Design Plaza 191

Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Seoul / South Korea / 2014

Dominion Office Building 109

Dominion Office Building

Moscow / Russian Federation / 2015

London 2012 Aquatics Center 130

London 2012 Aquatics Center

London / United Kingdom / 2011

Pierresvives 135


Montpellier / France / 2012