Enzo Ferrari Museum
New museum complex dedicated to Enzo Ferrari and Maserati history Modena / Italy / 2012
Enzo Ferrari Museum (Eng - Ita)
Eng - Ready, steady, go... and they're off... car lovers from all over the world are flocking to Modena for the new Casa Enzo Ferrari Museum. It is dedicated to the emblematic figure of the history of the car.
The museum complex is designed by the London architects Future Systems, founded by Jan Kaplický, who won the invited design competition in 2005 called by the Fondazione Casa Natale Enzo Ferrari.
In 2009 Jan Kaplický died suddenly before work could begin and Andrea Morgante, the then associated director of the office, was appointed site manager.
The project is made up of two distinct exhibition areas: a space inside Enzo Ferrari's birthplace, in the historical early 19th century building, and a newly built Gallery adjacent to the already existing one. Kaplický's drawings are characterised for their capacity of blending the aesthetic language of racing cars with those of renovation and sustainable energy.
The representative element of the museum offices is without doubt the yellow curved aluminium shell making up the roof, designed with the objective of looking like a shiny bodywork, but at the same time capable of guaranteeing natural ventilation and lighting.
The use of the colour yellow responds to a series of semantic meanings: yellow is the institutional colour of Modena, yellow is the colour of the Ferrari stable, yellow is the trade mark of an internationally famous company, as well as the signature of the driver and manufacturer in whose name the museum has been created.
The history of the existing Birthplace interacts with the body of the new Gallery, which hugs the old building as a sign of respect, maintaining a height of 12 metres, which is almost the same as that of the 19th century house and occupies a volume half of which is underground.
The main façade consists of a bearing full-length window with a curved plan and tilted 12.5 degrees with respect to the ground, thus improving its transparency and energy efficiency.
Ita - Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un nuovo complesso museale dedicato ad Enzo Ferrari e alla Maserati. L’intervento consisterà nella ristrutturazione della casa natale di Enzo Ferrari e nella realizzazione di una nuova galleria, il “Maserati Museum”, che troverà spazio di fronte la casa natale. Il complesso potrà contare su una superficie complessiva di 6mila metri quadrati, dei quali 4.400 sono destinati alle esposizioni.
Il Museo Maserati sembrerà emergere dai terreni che circondano la casa natale di Enzo Ferrari.
La modesta altezza della nuova struttura, rispettosa dell’edificio esistente, è dovuta alla volontà di assicurare una adeguata armonia tra i due edifici destinati a dare forma al nuovo complesso museale.
L’accesso alla nuova struttura avviene attraverso un’imponente parete curva in vetro, il cui piano inclinato è bisecato da una serie di alette che ricordano il radiatore della Maserati.
Gli spazi espositivi saranno collocati al pian terreno dal quale si discenderà poi, attraverso due piattaforme inclinate, a 5 metri di profondità dove saranno accolti ulteriori spazi espositivi.
Due zone adiacenti il museo ospiteranno una caffetteria, un centro studi che includerà un archivio ed una biblioteca, ed infine uno spazio multiuso da utilizzare per conferenze o esposizioni temporanee.
Services Engineers
Politecnica, Italy
Structural Engineers
Politecnica, Italy
Quantity Surveyors
Politecnica, Italy
Project Management
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Enzo Ferrari Museum (Eng - Ita) Eng - Ready, steady, go... and they're off... car lovers from all over the world are flocking to Modena for the new Casa Enzo Ferrari Museum. It is dedicated to the emblematic figure of the history of the car. The museum complex is designed by the London architects Future Systems, founded by Jan Kaplický, who won the invited design competition in 2005 called by the Fondazione Casa Natale Enzo Ferrari. In 2009 Jan Kaplický died suddenly before work could begin...
- Year 2012
- Work started in 2007
- Work finished in 2012
- Client Fondazione Casa Natale Enzo Ferrari
- Status Current works
- Type Museums
- Websitehttp://www.future-systems.com
- Websitehttp://www.fondazionecasanataleenzoferrari.com