
Architecture Firm Prague / Czech Rep.

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We are a collaborative platform of architects and young professionals with rich work experience from internationally recognized architectural firms and academic & research institutions.

We have collaborated with and led teams of professionals at Herzog & De Meuron in Switzerland, Bjarke Ingels Group in Denmark, Strelka Institute in Russia, Querkraft Architekten in Austria, Maxwan architects+urbanists in the Netherlands and Institute for Computational Design at University of Stuttgart in Germany.

In our work we focus on tailor made solutions with a special interest in balancing a mix of pragmatism, purity in detail and specificity in design.

We believe in Gesamtkunstwerk and seek to collaborate with artists and designers to enhance the uniqueness of our proposals. Our interest in an interdisciplinary collaboration also resonates with our research of new computational tools and construction technologies, to which we dedicate part of our work. This offers us alternative ways to approach architecture and design.

Our portfolio shows a passion for exploring architecture & design on all possible levels and scales, ranging from microscopic to urban. We are not afraid to step into the unknown, investigating and learning through the design process, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with every single project to deliver unexpected and superb results.

We are a collaborative platform of architects and young professionals with rich work experience from internationally recognized architectural firms and academic & research institutions. We have collaborated with and led teams of professionals at Herzog & De Meuron in Switzerland, Bjarke Ingels Group in Denmark, Strelka Institute in Russia, Querkraft Architekten in Austria, Maxwan architects+urbanists in the Netherlands and Institute for Computational Design at University of Stuttgart in...