Kilden Performing Arts Centre | ALA Architects

Kristiansand / Norway / 2012

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Kilden, a theatre and concert hall in Kristiansand, Norway, has brought together all the city's institutions of performing arts. Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra now has a concert hall accommodating 1200 attendees. Agder Theater, a regional group, is performing in a theater with a capacity of 700. The theater hall can be transformed to accommodate opera performances to house the ensemble Opera South. In addition, there is a stage for experimental theater and a multi-purpose hall with a level floor. Kilden produces experiences. The core of its architecture is the way the concert, theater and multi-purpose halls are serviced efficiently and without interference. The monumental abstract form of the wall of local oak, separates reality from fantasy. Passing through, the audience will move from natural landscape to the realm of performing arts. The wall allures the audience and expresses the diversity of artistic performances housed by the building as well as the power induced by their combination. The wall made of wedged CNC milled solid planks is not only a disguised theatrical effect but a concrete tactile artifact, which also improves the acoustics of the foyer. The infinite blackness of the other facades emphasizes the spectacle of the foyer.
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    Kilden, a theatre and concert hall in Kristiansand, Norway, has brought together all the city's institutions of performing arts. Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra now has a concert hall accommodating 1200 attendees. Agder Theater, a regional group, is performing in a theater with a capacity of 700. The theater hall can be transformed to accommodate opera performances to house the ensemble Opera South. In addition, there is a stage for experimental theater and a multi-purpose hall with a level...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Client Teater og Konserthus for Sørlandet IKS
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Concert Halls
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