Matthieu BAUSSER

Architect France

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Matthieu BAUSSER
I am Matthieu BAUSSER, State-certified Architect with more than 10 years of experience. .

Creative , curious , motivated and attentive , I love to develop all types of architectural and urban spaces that meet the needs and desires of customers or simply according to my inspiration of the moment.

Passionate about art in all its forms, I also try my hand at carpentry , sculpture , or even more broadly engineering .

Throughout my experience, I had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects , ranging from the creation of furniture and decorations to hospitals, including individual houses, cultural spaces, offices, businesses, etc. …

Over the years I have developed many key skills that allow me to effectively design and manage many construction projects. Thus, I invite you to discover my professional experiences, my training and the assets that make me an accomplished and passionate architect !

To find out more, don't hesitate to visit my website:

Matthieu BAUSSER
Matthieu BAUSSER

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