International Workshop Kaira Looro

The international architecture firms will participate in the workshop "Architecture for peace"

by Balouo Salo
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The International Workshop of Architecture Kaira Looro, was conceived by the International non-profit Balouo Salo funded by Vecchio Raoul, and engaged in social engineering projects aimed at solving humanitarian and environmental emergencies.

The non profit  organization and its designers have received several awards for its social commitment and highly sustainable and innovative design methodologies, targeted to the involvement of a multitude of subjects including mainly the beneficiary communities of the projects developed. Currently, the organization is committed to the resolution of a major emergency in Senegal which causes problems to 80,000 people through the construction of a earthfill dam bridge. The strategic position of this work will facilitate the return of agriculture, making 10,000 hectares of arable land. The project is supported by several international figures and has defined a model project for the whole of sub-Saharan Africa.

With the collaboration of In/Arch Sicily, the University of Catania, the Sedhiou Government, the Embassy of Senegal, three ministries in Senegal and 5 municipalities, the Organization Balouo Salo has developed the innovative International Kaira Looro Workshop. The name is made up of words in Mandingo language, typical language of the area where the organization Balouo Salo operates, and the meaning is "Architecture for peace." In fact, the objective of the workshop is to develop design methods aim to meet the humanitarian needs of the same region, trough the development of architectural projects whose themes are based on local economies and traditions. This workshop is attended by the large national and international architectural firms who have supported the project and share its principles. 
The prestigious firms involved are: Kengo Kuma, Studio Daniel Libeskind, Stefano Boeri, Josep Miàs, Möhn + Bouman, Pilar Diez Rodriguez, ACA Amore Campione Architettura, ARCò - Architettura e Cooperazione, MMA, Ko Nakamura and other prominent designers. These architects will direct ten design groups made up by students and cultural mediators. Each group will develop one of the issues assigned by the scientific committee made up of teachers and prominent professionals. Among the ten themes of the project: a production center and teaching kora, a school (photo), small port (photo) a market,  a tailor, model houses water collection systems (photo) and a handicrafts center (photo). All project themes will be developed with sustainable materials and construction methods. (

The objective of the workshop is to create a place of exchange of views between young professionals and great architects . The projects developed during the workshop, as well as being the subject of a public exhibition, will be donated to the communities of Senegal and the proceeds of the initiative will be donated to the humanitarian activities of the Organization Balouo Salo.

The workshop will be held exceptionally in Italy in the city of Catania from 4 to 11 September 2016 enjoying important contributions ever came into the scene in the Italian formative reality. The exhibition of the works developed will be made official during the closing ceremony of the workshop, and open to associations, university courses, professional associations and media. This exhibition will also revived in Senegal, in the Sedhiou region, on the occasion of the donation of the projects.

Kaira Looro is an extraordinary moment of cultural enrichment and sharing of important humanitarian and design themes, based on the common idea that "architecture is for the welfare of those who benefit from it." Large international firms will partecipate generously to the Workshop, taking an active part in the work throughout the week, and developing the themes of the project together with the students and participants graduates in architecture, engineering and design. 

Workshop program:

International architect members:


    • Balouo  Salo

      Balouo Salo

      Aci Castello / Italy

      Balouo Salo is a no profit-association created with the aim of solving social and environmental emergiencies, contributing to the improvement of life conditions of disadvantaged communities living in developing countries to the purpose of raise awareness of the international community, with particular reference of emergency issues and safeguarding both environment and culture. Our approach is entirely voluntary and humanitarian and it is based on principles of parity and equality with the ultimate goal of giving self sufficiency.)
