BLANC | Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

Showroom l'Antic Colonial, Porcelanosa Group Vila-real / Spain / 2013

62 Love 6,497 Visits Published
A large format stereotomy states all benefits of natural stone. Two kinds of white marble with slightly greyish seams and three kinds of finishings to them. Polished, brush hammered and sandblasted, they supply altogether a range of ten different textures in a space full with contrasts even within its continuity. Changes of colour in natural light reflect on their surfaces during day-time. Artificial light is introduced into a recess of the stone, allowing for backlighting. A night-time illumination rich in warm, almost golden tones. [ES] Una estereotomía de gran formato pone de manifiesto las bondades de la piedra natural. Dos tipos de mármol blanco, con vetas ligeramente grises. Tres tipos de acabado, pulido, abujardado y arenado, despliegan una gama de diez texturas en un espacio de contrastes dentro de la continuidad. Los cambios cromáticos de la luz natural se reflejan en los paramentos. La luz artificial, mediante un rebaje en la piedra, permite retroiluminarla. Una iluminación nocturna con unas tonalidades cálidas, casi doradas.
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    A large format stereotomy states all benefits of natural stone. Two kinds of white marble with slightly greyish seams and three kinds of finishings to them. Polished, brush hammered and sandblasted, they supply altogether a range of ten different textures in a space full with contrasts even within its continuity. Changes of colour in natural light reflect on their surfaces during day-time. Artificial light is introduced into a recess of the stone, allowing for backlighting. A night-time...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Client Porcelanosa Group | L'Antic Colonial | Mauricio Inglada
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops
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