Serpentine Gallery Pavillion 2011 | Peter Zumthor

Hortus conclusus London / United Kingdom / 2011

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The Serpentine Gallery is delighted to present the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011 by world-renowned Swiss architect Peter Zumthor. This year's Pavilion is the 11th commission in the Gallery's annual series, the world's first and most ambitious architectural programme of its kind. It is the architect's first completed building in the UK and includes a specially created garden by the influential Dutch designer Piet Oudolf The concept for this year's Pavilion is the hortus conclusus, a contemplative room, a garden within a garden. One enters the building from the lawn and begins the transition into the central garden, a place abstracted from the world of noise and traffic and the smells of London - an interior space within which to sit, to walk, to observe the flowers. With this Pavilion, as with previous structures such as the famous Thermal Baths at Vals, Switzerland, or the Bruder Klaus Chapel in Mechernich, Germany, Zumthor has emphasised the sensory and spiritual aspects of the architectural experience, from the precise yet simple composition and 'presence' of the materials, to the handling of scale and the effect of light. At the heart of Peter Zumthor's practice is a refined selection of materials used to create contemplative spaces that evoke the spiritual dimension of our physical environment. As always, Zumthor's aesthetic goal is to customise the building precisely to its purpose as a physical body and an object of emotional experience. 'A garden is the most intimate landscape ensemble I know of. It is close to us. There we cultivate the plants we need. A garden requires care and protection. And so we encircle it, we defend it and fend for it. We give it shelter. The garden turns into a place. Enclosed gardens fascinate me. A forerunner of this fascination is my love of the fenced vegetable gardens on farms in the Alps, where farmers' wives often planted flowers as well. I love the image of these small rectangles cut out of vast alpine meadows, the fence keeping the animals out. There is something else that strikes me in this image of a garden fenced off within the larger landscape around it: something small has found sanctuary within something big. The hortus conclusus that I dream of is enclosed all around and open to the sky. Every time I imagine a garden in an architectural setting, it turns into a magical place. I think of gardens that I have seen, that I believe I have seen, that I long to see, surrounded by simple walls, columns, arcades or the façades of buildings - sheltered places of great intimacy where I want to stay for a long time.' Peter Zumthor [IT] Serpentine Gallery ha svelato le prime immagini del Gallery Pavilion 2011, firmato dal Pritzker Prize Peter Zumthor. Come di consueto, ad accogliere l’installazione temporanea saranno i capitolini Giardini di Kensington. Di anno in anno la Galleria londinese commissiona il progetto della struttura – divenuta simbolo internazionale di sperimentazione architettonica - a un architetto di fama internazionale che, al momento dell’invito, non abbia ancora ultimato un’opera nel Regno Unito. Il Padiglione funge da spazio pubblico e fa da location ad alcuni appuntamenti di “Park Nights”, il programma annuale di public talks ed eventi organizzati dalla Serpentine tra luglio a ottobre. Dal 2000 in poi, progettisti del calibro di Zaha Hadid, Daniel Libeskind, Toyo Ito, Oscar Niemeyer, Alvaro Siza, Rem Koolhaas, Olafur Eliasson, Frank Gehry, SANAA e Jean Nouvel si sono avvicendati nell’ideazione del Padiglione. Per il Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011 Peter Zumthor si è ispirato all’idea di “hortus conclusus”, progettando “una stanza contemplativa, un giardino all’interno di un giardino, fatto di fiori e luce”, dove “trovare il tempo di rilassarsi, contemplare e poi, forse, tornare a parlare” al riparo dal caos della metropoli. Come nel caso delle celebri Terme di Vals (Svizzera) o della Cappella Bruder Klaus a Mechernich (Germania), Zumthor punta sugli aspetti sensoriali e spirituali dell'esperienza architettonica, dalla composizione e dalla qualità definita ma semplice dei materiali selezionati, al trattamento della scala e della luce. Legno, tessuto e sabbia sono i materiali con cui verrà realizzata la struttura, creata per regalare ai visitatori un’insolita e piacevole esperienza emozionale. Il giardino al centro dell’edificio, disegnato dal paesaggista olandese Piet Oudolf (premiato con una menzione d’onore all’ultima Biennale di Architettura di Venezia) Il giardino sarà raggiungibile dopo aver percorso sarà raggiungibile attraverso corridoi bui e silenziosi, in una sorta di “itinerario preparatorio” alla quiete dell’area verde. Le pareti esterne e interne con porte basculanti offriranno ai visitatori percorsi multipli, guidandoli delicatamente nel giardino interno. I tragitti al coperto e le sedute attorno a questo spazio centrale creeranno un ambiente contemplativo sereno da cui i visitatori possono guardare verso il giardino riccamente piantumato, illuminato dal sole, nel cuore della struttura.
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    The Serpentine Gallery is delighted to present the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011 by world-renowned Swiss architect Peter Zumthor. This year's Pavilion is the 11th commission in the Gallery's annual series, the world's first and most ambitious architectural programme of its kind. It is the architect's first completed building in the UK and includes a specially created garden by the influential Dutch designer Piet Oudolf The concept for this year's Pavilion is the hortus conclusus, a...

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