OKAM Studio

Architecture Firm Curno / Italy

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OKAM Studio
Founded in 2014, OKAM is an architectural firm that works on a variety of different scales, from temporary installations to urban intervention programs.
OKAM Studio was founded by Michele Bonetti, Luca Cerinza Pettreca, Emanuele Maria Munaretto and Claudio Rossi. Their work incorporates research, architecture, urban planning, landscape and urban design and works to combine these areas of expertise with technical accuracy and artistic expression, with the aim to promote the collective use of space – public or private – integrating each project within it’s proper context.
Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's razor and in Latin lex parsimoniae, which means 'law of parsimony') is a problem-solving principle devised by William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347), who was an English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher and theologian. The principle states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove to provide better predictions, but—in the absence of differences in predictive ability—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better. (Source: en.Wikipedia.org)
OKAM Studio focuses mainly on the recovery of existing assets and surrounding landscapes. They have worked on and implemented several projects with this objective in mind, such as upgrading the former industrial area, Tesmec, near the Parco dei Colli located in Bergamo. Other projects include the restoration of the Cascina N cottage, and the design-build of the Casa C on the bank of the Brembo river.
OKAM architects are active academic players, as researchers and Assistant Professors for the Architecture Faculties both in Milan and Genoa.
OKAM has participated in numerous grants and competitions with a number of architectural firms such as Spagnolo-Bandini (2014), Ganko (2014), Atelier Laura Beretta (2015), Studio Stefano Boeri Architetti (2015), DAP studio (2016), Consalez Rossi Architetti Associati (2016), Luigino Pirola Architetto (2016).

OKAM Studio
OKAM Studio

Founded in 2014, OKAM is an architectural firm that works on a variety of different scales, from temporary installations to urban intervention programs. OKAM Studio was founded by Michele Bonetti, Luca Cerinza Pettreca, Emanuele Maria Munaretto and Claudio Rossi. Their work incorporates research, architecture, urban planning, landscape and urban design and works to combine these areas of expertise with technical accuracy and artistic expression, with the aim to promote the collective use of...

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