Obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh

Architecture Firm Innsbruck / Austria

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Obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh 5
Obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh
The architectural office Obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh has been conceived as an innovative, creative service-company, undertaking general-planning tasks including building-management and building-supervision with appropriate site management, as well as planning assignments and interior architecture.
Activities range from feasibility-studies, preliminary studies, conceptual studies, design, technical consultancy, executive planning and building supervision, economical evaluation and contract tendering to financial feedback.

Optimal solutions for large project-developments are provided thanks to qualified team-work and an efficient office-setting. our office offers the following profile services:

General contractor
General planning
Project development
Building supervision
Interior architecture
Obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh
Obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh
  • Address Herzog-Otto-Straße, 6020 Innsbruck | Austria
  • Tel ++43-512-52050

The architectural office Obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh has been conceived as an innovative, creative service-company, undertaking general-planning tasks including building-management and building-supervision with appropriate site management, as well as planning assignments and interior architecture. Activities range from feasibility-studies, preliminary studies, conceptual studies, design, technical consultancy, executive planning and building supervision, economical evaluation and contract...

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