Costa Zanibelli associati

Architecture Firm Milano / Italy

1 Followers 2,305 Visits
Costa Zanibelli associati 1
Costa Zanibelli associati
The Studio was founded in 1996 by Chiara Costa and Marco Zanibelli.
It works on diverse scale planning themes being also active in the field of interior design. The team has developed and realized several projects both in community and residential areas, in the tertiary, in university services and has been involved in planning structures and areas for educational and research purposes, realizing numerous plans related to new building, extension, restructuring, preservative and restoration redevelopment.
The Studio has taken part in national and international architectural and town planning contests attaining appreciation and highlighting.
Costa Zanibelli associati
Costa Zanibelli associati
  • Address Via Giovanni Rasori 9, 20145 Milano | Italy
  • Tel +39 02461542
  • Fax +39 024693544

The Studio was founded in 1996 by Chiara Costa and Marco Zanibelli. It works on diverse scale planning themes being also active in the field of interior design. The team has developed and realized several projects both in community and residential areas, in the tertiary, in university services and has been involved in planning structures and areas for educational and research purposes, realizing numerous plans related to new building, extension, restructuring, preservative and restoration...
