arcVision Prize - Women and Architecture

The international award by Italcementi Group

by eleonora usseglio prinsi
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The  Italcementi Group presented last week the first edition of arcVision Prize – Women and Architecture, an international award for women in architecture, to be given to the designers who best interpret the role of the architect through significant civil, residential and services construction projects, particularly in the social, cultural and educational spheres.


"Architects have the potential to play a significant role in addressing society's challenges,” observes Martha Thorne, a member of 
the arcVision Prize Jury. “They are not just makers of form or iconic buildings. Improving the quality of our cities, working on issues of sustainability, contributing to education or suggesting approaches to disaster relief are just some of the areas where architects are useful and valuable. We cannot overlook the talents of women and their many contributions in the past, present, and the ones to come in the future. The arcVision Prize is a very positive program which recognizes and supports the capacity, creativity and many contributions of women architects."

The results of the arcVision Prize will be published on March 8, 2013, International Women’s Day. 

The Prize looks in particular for candidates working under particularly complex conditions, both in terms of project type and scope and in relation to local conditions.

The prize will award a monetary prize of € 50,000, part of which the winner may donate to social architecture projects of her choice, and a two-week workshop or period of research at Italcementi i.lab, Research & Innovation Center in Bergamo.

The intentionally all-female Jury is composed of outstanding architects, specialists in other architecture-related fields and in the arts as Vera Baboun elected in October 2012 as the first female mayor of the city of Bethlem, Odile Decq, a leading exponent of the avant-garde architecture community, Victoire de Margerie, an internationally acknowledged expert in Corporate Governance, Yvonne Farrell  the founder of Grafton ArchitectsKazuyo Sejima, winner of the Pritzker Prize in 2010 and director of the Venice Architecture Biennale the same year, Benedetta Tagliabue founded the EMBT | Enric Miralles - Benedetta Tagliabue firm in 1993 and Martha Thorne, Executive Director of the Pritzker Prize.

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    Italcementi i.lab

    Stezzano / Italy / 2012