The Academic Network of Artem Nancy has just opened

Anma designs the gallery between the departments, in metal and coloured glass

by Malcolm Clark
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A few days ago the new Pôle Universitaire Artem in Nancy opened what will be the "backbone" of the new network, a gallery 200 meters long designed by ANMA Agence Nicolas Michelin & Associés.

The Artem project aims to bring together three major schools of Nancy to develop an interdisciplinary process between art, technology and economic management. This initiative focuses on innovation associated with integrating creativity, new technologies and managerial prospects.

The architecture seems to reflect this openness and this trust in the future with clear and bright shapes. The project, which has an "urban" dimension, physically combines the departments allowing not only the possibility of moving through but above all stopping within the campus, with many dedicated services.

For this reason it is not a "gallery" in the nineteenth century sense of the term or in the worst sense of the term taken on in today's shopping malls, but a "plaza", focused on the needs of exchange and enjoyment. The project is also technically innovative as its heating is carried out by a system of "Canadian wells", the largest facility of its kind in France.

    Pôle Universitaire Artem Nancy 21

    Pôle Universitaire Artem Nancy

    Nancy / France / 2012