Sara De Marco

Architect Brighton / United Kingdom

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Sara De Marco 9
Sara De Marco
Versatile and creative project architect with several years’ experience realizing small- to large-scale projects, in both private and public sectors. Extensive knowledge of design and applications in the following fields: residential (various scales and levels of detail), retail, civic, health and educational, including listed buildings and buildings in areas of historical significance.
Extensive experience in contract management, procurement, contractor and consultant coordination.
Enthusiastic approach with a focus on meeting client requirements and enhancing the quality of life of final user.
Focused on achieving environmentally conscious solutions and delivering life-quality-centred design, I aim to always work in a collaborative team environment, while building up mutual experience and expertise in multi-scale architectural projects.
Sara De Marco
Sara De Marco

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Versatile and creative project architect with several years’ experience realizing small- to large-scale projects, in both private and public sectors. Extensive knowledge of design and applications in the following fields: residential (various scales and levels of detail), retail, civic, health and educational, including listed buildings and buildings in areas of historical significance. Extensive experience in contract management, procurement, contractor and consultant coordination. Enthusiastic approach with a focus on meeting client requirements and enhancing the quality of life of final user. Focused on achieving environmentally conscious solutions and delivering life-quality-centred design, I aim to always work in a collaborative team environment, while building up mutual experience and expertise in multi-scale architectural projects.
