House M2 | monovolume architecture + design

Luxurious simplicity Bolzano / Italy / 2012

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The Moritzing district is located on the outskirts of the city of Bolzano. Nestled between vineyards and fruit trees sits House M2: a luxurious modern villa for a young couple.

The detached house impresses with its linear architecture, which is limited only to the essential details. The design is one of modern freshness and simplicity. The building houses two residential units, which overlap as cubic volumes. Different textures of the surfaces make the two units recognizable from the outside. While the base floor is plastered, the outer walls of the upper floor are clad with facade panels. Closed to the street side, the building opens up to the garden in the south and west through large glass facades, thus bringing the surrounding nature inside the living spaces. Overhanging ceilings protect the interiors from strong sunlight.

Inside the units, a clear wall separates the living spaces from more private areas. The kitchen, dining room and slightly lowered living room are located by the large glass facade, while the night area retreats to the more intimate rear part of the building. As a contrast to the sleek white color scheme of the building, the use of dark wood for the interior spaces creates a pleasantly warm and homely atmosphere.


Design Team:
Luca Di Censo
Simon Constantini
Benjamin Gaensbacher



Luxuriöse Schlichtheit
Am Rande der Stadt Bozen befindet sich der Stadtteil Moritzing. Eingebettet zwischen Weinreben und Obstbäumen liegt hier das Haus M2: eine luxuriöse moderne Villa für ein junges Paar.

Das freistehende Gebäude besticht durch eine lineare Architektur, welche sich nur auf wesentlichen Details beschränkt. Das Design zeugt von moderner Frische und Einfachheit. Das Gebäude beherbergt zwei Wohneinheiten, welche sich als kubische Volumina überlappen. Unterschiedliche Beschaffenheiten der Oberflächen machen die beiden Einheiten nach außen hin erkennbar. Während das Sockelgeschoss verputzt ist, sind die Außenwände des Obergeschosses mit Fassadenplatten verkleidet. Zur Straßenseite geschlossen öffnet sich das Gebäude im Süden und Westen durch große Glasfassaden zum Garten hin und holt dadurch die umliegende Natur ins Innere der Wohnungen. Überhängende Decken schützen die Innenräume vor starker Sonneneinstrahlung.

In den Wohnungen trennt eine klare Wand die Wohnräume von privateren Bereichen. Die Küche, das Esszimmer und das leicht abgesenkte Wohnzimmer liegen an der großen Glasfassade, während sich der Nachtbereich in den intimeren hinteren Gebäudeteil zurückzieht. Als Kontrast zur schlichten, weißen Farbgebung des Gebäudes sorgt die Verwendung vom dunklem Nussholz in den Innenräumen für eine angenehm warme und wohnliche Atmosphäre.



Lussuosa semplicità
Alla periferia della città di Bolzano si trova il quartiere di Moritzing. Immersa tra i vigneti e gli alberi da frutto si trova la Casa M2: una lussuosa villa moderna progettata per una giovane coppia.

L’abitazione minimalista colpisce per la sua architettura lineare, che mette in evidenzia i tratti ed i dettagli essenziali con forme geometriche pure. Il design è di moderna freschezza e semplicità. L'edificio ospita due unità abitative, che si sovrappongono con volumi cubici ad incastro. I diversi materiali usati e le texture delle superfici rendono le due unità riconoscibili dall'esterno. Il piano terra è intonacato, mentre le pareti esterne del piano superiore sono rivestite con pannelli. L’abitazione è chiusa sul lato della strada, mentre si apre verso il giardino privato a sud e a ovest attraverso grandi facciate in vetro, che portano la natura circostante negli spazi abitativi interni. I soffitti a sbalzo proteggono gli interni dalla luce solare diretta.

Negli appartamenti, una parete chiara separa gli spazi abitativi dalle aree più private: nel fronte si trovano la cucina, la sala da pranzo e il soggiorno, mentre nella parte posteriore la zona notte si fa più intima e privata. Contrastante è l’effetto cromatico: all’esterno l’elegante colore bianco dell'edificio, mentre all’interno l'uso di legno scuro creano una piacevole atmosfera calda ed accogliente.

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    The Moritzing district is located on the outskirts of the city of Bolzano. Nestled between vineyards and fruit trees sits House M2: a luxurious modern villa for a young couple.
The detached house impresses with its linear architecture, which is limited only to the essential details. The design is one of modern freshness and simplicity. The building houses two residential units, which overlap as cubic volumes. Different textures of the surfaces make the two units recognizable from the outside....

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-family residence
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    Lovers 181 users