Casa La Semilla | T3arc Taller de Arte y Arquitectura
Jiutepec / Mexico / 2011
ENG - This house is located in Jiutepec Morelos, Mexico; in a vast terrain that in one of its boundaries previously produced Fichus trees for sale. We wanted that the house wouldn´t impact the natural context.
Casa La Semilla
has been a very quick and simple construction in which thanks to the qualities of concrete it becomes difficult to determine the boundaries between the inside and the outside of it; we did a house with bounded size that seems very large and it is almost imperceptible from several parts of the site.
Because trees had being planted very close one to another, they have grown up tall and very slim, so our proposal takes advantage of this natural forest of trees to cover the south sun and have a completely open facade to them.
We managed to cover 200m2 underpinned by three central columns and a concrete beam that completely crosses them as an inverted pendulum.
In this way, we managed to have no strut in the rest of the house, and we have the freedom to manage the space under the deck as it best suited us.
The orientation of the house is north, as Jiutepec is a very hot area of the state of Morelos, Mexico.
It only has a master bedroom and a small room for a child;
the rest of the house is open, with a bar for cooking and the living and dining areas together with an open view of the landscape.
In the south garden, an open area under the Fichus allows us to sit at a shaded table, while in the north façade an open terrace under the sun allows us to enjoy a wooden deck that floats as a pier over a pond that retrieves clear waters for the rest of the garden irrigation. Casa La Semilla is respectful to the surroundings allowing the inhabitants to live nature as close as possible.
[ES] - Esta casa se encuentra en un terreno extenso que en uno de sus linderos anteriormente producía árboles Ficus para la venta. Buscamos que la casa no impactara el contexto natural;
Casa la Semilla ha sido una construcción muy rápida y sencilla en la que gracias a las cualidades del concreto se torna difícil determinar los limites entre el interior y el exterior de la misma, obteniendo una casa que con dimensiones acotadas parezca muy extensa y sea imperceptible desde varios puntos del terreno.
Al estar los arboles sembrados uno pegado al otro, han crecido juntos y muy esbeltos, por lo que nuestra propuesta aprovecha este bosque de arboles para cubrir el sol del sur y tener una fachada totalmente abierta a los mismos. Conseguimos hacer una cubierta de 200m2 soportada en tres columnas centrales y una trabe que la cruza completamente a modo de un péndulo invertido. De esta forma, conseguimos no tener ningún puntal en el resto de la casa, y tener la libertad de disponer del espacio bajo esta cubierta como mejor nos convenía.
La orientación de la casa es norte, pues Jiutepec es una zona muy calurosa del estado de Morelos, México. La casa a penas cuenta con una recamara principal, y una pequeña habitación para un niño. El resto de la casa, es abierto, con una barra para cocinar y las áreas de estar y comer unidas. En el jardín sur, se forma una área abierta para estar bajo la sombra de los Ficus, mientras que en la fachada norte se forma una terraza abierta al sol y como si fuera un muelle, flota sobre un pequeño estanque que recupera aguas claras para riego.
Project manager: Arch. Alfredo Cano Briceño. T3arc Taller de Arte y Arquitectura.
Construction manager: Arch. Omar Martínez, T3arc Taller de Arte y Arquitectura.
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ENG - This house is located in Jiutepec Morelos, Mexico; in a vast terrain that in one of its boundaries previously produced Fichus trees for sale. We wanted that the house wouldn´t impact the natural context. Casa La Semilla has been a very quick and simple construction in which thanks to the qualities of concrete it becomes difficult to determine the boundaries between the inside and the outside of it; we did a house with bounded size that seems very large and it is almost imperceptible...
- Year 2011
- Work finished in 2011
- Main structure Reinforced concrete
- Status Completed works
- Type Single-family residence