House Renovation in Calabria Street | AMOO
Barcelona / Spain / 2022
The house is located on the second floor of a building built in 1950 in the Eixample’s Nova Esquerra neighbourhood, Barcelona. The building has 4 doors per landing and is used for discounted middle-class housing, as described by the architect F.J. Barba Corsini in the report of the municipal works file.
The structure of the house is made of load-bearing walls, with 6 openings parallel to the street, including the 4 façades: the two main ones and the two belonging to the interior courtyards. The floors are divided into 2 by the central load-bearing wall, which is joined by a small installation. The house is accessed from one end and its main façade overlooks the inner courtyard of the block. It consists of a living-dining room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a restroom, in a conventional and crushed space. The total area is 47.59 m2.
The project aims to eliminate speculative distribution and, by removing one of its rooms, it gets to use the small central ventilation patio as a central area around which to rotate.
A shoring is proposed in the load-bearing wall that intended the circulation around the centre, and the rest of the partitions are demolished. Integrating the load-bearing wall and the patio, the surrounding volume of the toilet is proposed, with a continuous strip of kitchen and cabinets on the partition opposite the entrance.
The strategy which, as usual, is cut short by the refusal of residents to carry out any type of structural intervention, no matter how minimal, forces us to turn the project around without losing its essence. The inconvenience does not prevent solving the planned program, as well as unique characteristics of the project: specifically, to accommodate the owner's collection of more than 1,400 CDs and 1,200 vinyl records, which is why ad hoc integrated furniture is designed.
On a material and chromatic level, the northeast orientation of the only exterior façade makes the choice of flooring towards a clear surface that allows reflecting the scarce incoming light, while the colour of the ceiling is used as an element of warmth and comfort. This tone extends to the polygonal volume of the bathroom, softening its edges and contrasting it with a bluish tone that emerges inside and extends to specific points. Metallic elements contrast and nuance the almost milky and warm atmosphere of the house.
L’habitatge es situa a la planta segona d’un edifici construït el 1950 al barri de la Nova Esquerra de l’Eixample de Barcelona. L’edifici té 4 portes per replà i destinant a habitatges ‘clase media bonificable’ segons descriu l’arquitecte F.J. Barba Corsini a la memòria de l’expedient d’obres municipal.
L’estructura de l’habitatge és de murs de càrrega, amb 6 vanos paral·lels al carrer, incloent les 4 façanes: les dues principals i les dues a cel-obert. Els pisos queden dividits en 2 pel mur de carrega central, al que s’agafa un petit pati d’instal·lacions central. A l’habitatge s’hi accedeix per un extrem i la seva façana principal dona al pati interior d’illa. Consta d’estar-menjador, cuina, 2 habitacions i lavabo, en un espai convencional i trinxat. La superfície total és de 47,59m².
El projecte té com a objectiu eliminar la distribució especulativa i, eliminant una de les seves habitacions i recorrent al petit pati de ventilació central com a nucli al voltant del qual girar.
Es planteja un estintolament al mur de càrrega que pretenia la circulació al voltant del nucli, i s’enderroquen la resta d’envans. Integrant el mur de càrrega iel pati es planteja el volum rodejable del lavabo, amb una franja continuada de cuina i armaris en la mitgera oposada a l’entrada.
L’estratègia que, com és habitual, es veu truncada per la negativa veïnal a fer qualsevol tipus d’intervenció estructural per mínima que sigui, fa donar una volta al projecte sense perdre l’essència. Aquest fet no impedeix donar solució a programa habitual, però també a característiques úniques del projecte: donar cabuda a la col·lecció de més de 1.400 CD i 1.200 vinils del propietari, pels quals es dissenyen mobles ad-hoc integrats.
A nivell material i cromàtic, l’orientació nord-est de l’única façana exterior dirigeix l’elecció del paviment cap a un paviment clar que permeti reflectir l’escassa llum entrant, mentre que s’utilitza el color del cel-ras com a element de calidesa i confort. Aquest to s’exten al volum poligonal del bany, suavitzant-ne les arestes i contrastant-lo amb un tó blavós que emergeix de l’interior i s’exten a punts concrets. Elements metal·litzats contrasten i matissen l’ambient quasi lacti i tebi de l’habitatge.
Collaborators: Inès Martinel, Albert Renau
Photographer: José Hevia
The house is located on the second floor of a building built in 1950 in the Eixample’s Nova Esquerra neighbourhood, Barcelona. The building has 4 doors per landing and is used for discounted middle-class housing, as described by the architect F.J. Barba Corsini in the report of the municipal works file. The structure of the house is made of load-bearing walls, with 6 openings parallel to the street, including the 4 façades: the two main ones and the two belonging to the interior...
- Year 2022
- Work started in 2021
- Work finished in 2022
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture