House over the horizon | Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

Alicante / Spain / 2019

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The house, located in front of the island of Tabarca, makes sense understanding the place in which is set. With a strong difference in height between the levels of the upper and lower access, the project seeks to define a level at which the day and pool areas are located. This level strives to be placed at the highest altitude possible, in order to have a direct view of the sea. This main space of the house comes up as the gap between the basement area that emerges from the land and the day area that is deposited on top of this base. The volume that emerges seeks to blend in with the texture of the surrounding mountains on account of the gray tone of the natural stone with which it is built. The volume that is deposited is materialized with the same white presence as the traditional architectures of the place. Between the two of them, an open and shaded area that is the only thing needed to enjoy the idyllic location.

The duality between what emerges and what is deposited is not the only one in the project, since in order to protect itself from the surrounding architectures, the volume of the building is designed to be as opaque as possible to the exterior and simultaneously as open to the landscape as possible.

Fenestration is also heterogeneous in the project. The ground floor is opened through square gaps to both yards that face east and west. The ground floor is a completely open and through space. And the upper floor has a single opening overlooking the sea, as if it were a subtraction, through which the rooms are illuminated. Facing the street, a low and longitudinal window illuminates and ventilates the corridor conferring privacy. These three different types of apertures characterize the interior space of the house, bounded, open and contemplative according to the floor where we are.

Strategies that, despite their heterogeneity, allow us to understand the house perhaps in a unitary way.


La vivienda ubicada frente a la isla de Tabarca cobra sentido al entender el lugar que la rodea. Con un fuerte desnivel entre las cotas de acceso superior e inferior, el proyecto busca definir un nivel en el que se ubican las zonas de día y la piscina. Este nivel procura situarse en la cota más alta posible, para tener una visión directa sobre el mar. Este espacio principal de la casa surge como el vacío existente entre la zona de sótano que emerge del terreno y la zona de día que se deposita sobre esta base.  El cuerpo que emerge busca mimetizarse con la textura de las montañas circundantes gracias a la tonalidad gris de la piedra natural con la que se construye, el volumen que se deposita se materializa con la misma presencia blanca que las arquitecturas tradicionales del lugar, entre los dos una planta abierta y en sombra que es lo único que se necesita para disfrutar del idílico emplazamiento.

La dualidad entre lo que emerge y lo que se deposita no es la única que se da en el proyecto, puesto que para protegerse de las arquitecturas que rodean el edificio su volumetría se diseña para ser lo más opaca posible al exterior y simultáneamente lo más abierta al paisaje. 

La fenestración es también heterogénea en el proyecto. La planta baja se abre mediante huecos sensiblemente cuadrados a sendos patios que dan al este y al oeste. La planta baja es un espacio completamente pasante. Y la planta superior tiene un único hueco mirando al mar, como si de una sustracción se tratase, mediante el cual se iluminan las habitaciones, mirando a la calle una ventana baja y longitudinal ilumina y ventila el corredor confiriéndole privacidad. Estos tres diferentes tipos de huecos caracterizan el espacio interior de la vivienda, acotado, abierto y contemplativo según la planta en la que nos encontremos.

Unas estrategias que pese a su heterogeneidad permiten entender la casa quizás de forma unitaria.

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    The house, located in front of the island of Tabarca, makes sense understanding the place in which is set. With a strong difference in height between the levels of the upper and lower access, the project seeks to define a level at which the day and pool areas are located. This level strives to be placed at the highest altitude possible, in order to have a direct view of the sea. This main space of the house comes up as the gap between the basement area that emerges from the land and the day...

    Project details
    • Year 2019
    • Work finished in 2019
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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