Luca Peralta

Architect Roma / Italy

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Luca Peralta
"Luca Peralta Studio – Design and Consulting"

is a practice specialized in the design and consulting of public and private architecture, interior design and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, urban design, and landscape design. In all cases the studio is specifically interested in experimentation and application of environmentally sensitive technologies.

The studio has an internal staff of architects and engineers, as well as a reliable network of trusted specialized consultants, whic
Luca Peralta
Luca Peralta
  • Address Via Cristoforo Colombo 193, 62, 00147 Roma | Italy

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"Luca Peralta Studio – Design and Consulting" is a practice specialized in the design and consulting of public and private architecture, interior design and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, urban design, and landscape design. In all cases the studio is specifically interested in experimentation and application of environmentally sensitive technologies. The studio has an internal staff of architects and engineers, as well as a reliable network of trusted specialized consultants, whic