Donatella Santangelo
Architect Padova, Province of Padua / Italy
Si avvicina in seguito anche all’impianto progettuale sviluppando esperienze in settori che spaziano dalla moda al prodotto industriale.
Attualmente, socia dello studio, si occupa sia di Interior Design,sia di Industrial design.
riconoscimenti in concorsi internazionali , tra gli ultimi: menzione nel concorso Swarovski Gems 2011 posto d’onore nell’ International Design Arward ONLY FOR WOMEN 2010.
Attualmente si occupa della gestione delle relazioni con gruppi quali: Cattelan Italia, Futura, Bontempi, Linea Italia, Twils, Flou, Area
Born in Varese in May 1950.
After attending the School of Human Studies at Padua University in 1980, she becomes member of Studio Thesia Progetti, focusing on human-related aspects of the project and its correct placement in the contemporary design context.
In later times she has been involved also in the design process, acquiring expertise in different fields such as fashion design and product design. Active member of the studio, she deals with Interior Design and Product Design.
She obtained numerous praise in international competitions such as:
-mention in the Swarovski Gems 2011 competition
-honorable mention in the International Design Award ONLY FOR WOMEN 2010.
She is currently managing the relationship with numerous companies such as Cattelan Italia, Futura, Bontempi, Linea Italia, Twils, Flou, Area DeClic, 21th, Gruppo Doimo.
Nata a Varese, dopo studi umanistici all’università di Padova nel 1980 diventa membro del team di Studio Thesia Progetti, si occupa degli aspetti umani del progetto, del design e del rapporto tra il prodotto e il suo corretto placement all’interno del contesto del design contemporaneo. Si avvicina in seguito anche all’impianto progettuale sviluppando esperienze in settori che spaziano dalla moda al prodotto industriale. Attualmente, socia dello studio, si occupa sia di Interior Design,sia di Industrial design. riconoscimenti in concorsi internazionali , tra gli ultimi: menzione nel concorso Swarovski Gems 2011 posto d’onore nell’ International Design Arward ONLY FOR WOMEN 2010. Attualmente si occupa della gestione delle relazioni con gruppi quali: Cattelan Italia, Futura, Bontempi, Linea Italia, Twils, Flou, Area Born in Varese in May 1950. After attending the School of Human Studies at Padua University in 1980, she becomes member of Studio Thesia Progetti, focusing on human-related aspects of the project and its correct placement in the contemporary design context. In later times she has been involved also in the design process, acquiring expertise in different fields such as fashion design and product design. Active member of the studio, she deals with Interior Design and Product Design. She obtained numerous praise in international competitions such as: -mention in the Swarovski Gems 2011 competition -honorable mention in the International Design Award ONLY FOR WOMEN 2010. She is currently managing the relationship with numerous companies such as Cattelan Italia, Futura, Bontempi, Linea Italia, Twils, Flou, Area DeClic, 21th, Gruppo Doimo.