Nina Baisch
Photographer Konstanz / Germany

Tiny House Überlingen, Germany
Überlingen / Germany / 2021
She studied graphic design (HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, HTWG Konstanz), interior design (HFT Stuttgart) and architectural history and theory (ETH Zurich). Through this career, she not only has interdisciplinary expertise and a trained eye, she also speaks the same language as her clients.
Her clear visual language is characterized by the concentration and reduction to the essentials. Precisely chosen standpoints, perspectives and sections result in concise, artistically high-quality architectural photographs. Photographs not only authentically depict and explain architecture, but also convey its mood and effect in a meaningful way. Nina Baisch works needs-, solution- and goal-oriented for her clients. Her focus is always on high-quality design and representative end results for a wide variety of projects and customers. She takes photos from the construction site to the completion of the building.

- Tel 0049 7531 2824581
Nina Baisch has been an architectural photographer in Constance on Lake Constance since 2005 and works in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. She studied graphic design (HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, HTWG Konstanz), interior design (HFT Stuttgart) and architectural history and theory (ETH Zurich). Through this career, she not only has interdisciplinary expertise and a trained eye, she also speaks the same language as her clients. Her clear visual language is characterized by the concentration and reduction to the essentials. Precisely chosen standpoints, perspectives and sections result in concise, artistically high-quality architectural photographs. Photographs not only authentically depict and explain architecture, but also convey its mood and effect in a meaningful way. Nina Baisch works needs-, solution- and goal-oriented for her clients. Her focus is always on high-quality design and representative end results for a wide variety of projects and customers. She takes photos from the construction site to the completion of the building.