wei wu

Interior designer Beijing / China

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wei wu
As the founder and cre­ative di­rec­tor of IN . X based in Bei­jing, the in­teri- or ar­chi­tect Wu Wei is a mas­ter in Chi­nese cater­ing space de­sign. He is the des­ig­nated de­signer for some pop­u­lar restau­rant in China, such as Siji Minfu Roast Duck Restau­rant, Hu Da Restau­rant, etc. With the de­sign phi­los­o­phy of “Strat­egy First, De­sign Fol­lows", he has main- tained close strate­gic part­ner­ships with many lead­ing Chi­nese cater­ing brands.

With deep at­tain­ments in es­thet­ics and global per­spec­tive in busi­ness, he pro­vides ac­cu­rate busi­ness and de­sign strat­egy for brand, thus, cre at­ing­sus­tain­able vi­tal­ity for brand de­vel­op­ment. Wu Wei has wit­nessed and nour­ished the de­vel­op­ment of Chi­nese new gen­er­a­tion cater­ing brands.
wei wu
wei wu

As the founder and cre­ative di­rec­tor of IN . X based in Bei­jing, the in­teri- or ar­chi­tect Wu Wei is a mas­ter in Chi­nese cater­ing space de­sign. He is the des­ig­nated de­signer for some pop­u­lar restau­rant in China, such as Siji Minfu Roast Duck Restau­rant, Hu Da Restau­rant, etc. With the de­sign phi­los­o­phy of “Strat­egy First, De­sign Fol­lows", he has main- tained close strate­gic part­ner­ships with many lead­ing Chi­nese cater­ing brands. With deep at­tain­ments in es­thet­ics and global per­spec­tive in busi­ness, he pro­vides ac­cu­rate busi­ness and de­sign strat­egy for brand, thus, cre at­ing­sus­tain­able vi­tal­ity for brand de­vel­op­ment. Wu Wei has wit­nessed and nour­ished the de­vel­op­ment of Chi­nese new gen­er­a­tion cater­ing brands.