Architecture Firm Beijing / China

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Co-founded by Yi Chen and Muchen Zhang in 2002, Fenghe­muchen is a space de­sign prac­tice based in Bei­jing, China with a branch in Van­cou­ver, Canada, of­fer­ing space de­sign ser­vices in the fields of real es­tate, tourism, art, ed­u­ca­tion, and re­li­gion. Ex­press­ing faith by space, fo­cus­ing on the soul in space, and tak­ing eter­nal spir­i­tu­al­ity as part of spir­i­tual pur­suit, Fenghe­muchen is a cre­ative de­sign com­pany that pushes for cul­tural ex­ten­sion and artis­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion while fully re­spect­ing the bal­anced re­la­tion­ship be­tween man and space in spir­i­tual level.

Since its es­tab­lish­ment, the de­sign works of Fenghe­muchen have won plenty of in­ter­na­tional prizes and awards, in­clud­ing Red Dot Award “Best of the Best”, A’ De­sign Award “Plat­inum Award”, iF Award, Ger­man De­sign Award, In­side Award, IDEA Award, In­te­rior De­sign Best of Year Award, Restau­rant and Bar De­sign Awards, LICC, An­drew Mar­tin In­ter­na­tional In­te­rior De­sign Awards, SIDS In­te­rior De­sign Awards, etc., which have been re­ported by me­dia home and abroad.

Co-founded by Yi Chen and Muchen Zhang in 2002, Fenghe­muchen is a space de­sign prac­tice based in Bei­jing, China with a branch in Van­cou­ver, Canada, of­fer­ing space de­sign ser­vices in the fields of real es­tate, tourism, art, ed­u­ca­tion, and re­li­gion. Ex­press­ing faith by space, fo­cus­ing on the soul in space, and tak­ing eter­nal spir­i­tu­al­ity as part of spir­i­tual pur­suit, Fenghe­muchen is a cre­ative de­sign com­pany that pushes for cul­tural ex­ten­sion and artis­tic...