Giovanni Manfredini

Architecture Firm Reggio Emilia / Italy

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Giovanni Manfredini
was born (1957) in Reggio Emilia, where he has his own design practice. Engineer (Bologna, 1982), he is former member of the National Council and the Executive Committee of C.N.E.T.O. (Centro Nazionale per l'Edilizia e la Tecnica Ospedaliera), he gave lectures for Oikos study center. Honorable Mention at the International Design Competition "Orlandi" (Genève, 1988). First prize IN / ARCH Regione Emilia Romagna (1990, with Alberto and Enea Manfredini). He took part in several exhibitions and conferences. He contributed from 1988 to 1998 to the magazine “Parametro”. Member, since its foundation, of the Technical Committee of the magazine “Progettare per la Sanità”. Author of several articles in specialized journals, mainly devoted to the analysis of issues related to social and health facilities. He wrote “Dieci Conversazioni di Progettazione Architettonica” (Firenze, 1995) (with A.), “Progettazione Architettonica e Residenze temporanee integrate” (Firenze, 2003) (with A. Manfredini), “La Progettazione Architettonica nella Riqualificazione Urbana” (Firenze, 2006) (with A. Manfredini), “Recupero dell'ex Cinema Boiardo a Reggio Emilia” (Firenze, 2010) (with A. Manfredini), “L' Ospedale di Reggio Emilia” (Firenze, 2010) (with A. Manfredini), "Isolato Urbano a Belgorod" (Firenze, 2014) (vith A. Manfredini).
Giovanni Manfredini
Giovanni Manfredini
  • Tel +390522436997

GIOVANNI MANFREDINI was born (1957) in Reggio Emilia, where he has his own design practice. Engineer (Bologna, 1982), he is former member of the National Council and the Executive Committee of C.N.E.T.O. (Centro Nazionale per l'Edilizia e la Tecnica Ospedaliera), he gave lectures for Oikos study center. Honorable Mention at the International Design Competition "Orlandi" (Genève, 1988). First prize IN / ARCH Regione Emilia Romagna (1990, with Alberto and Enea Manfredini). He took part in...

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