Studio Cheha

Design Firm Tel Aviv / Israel

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Studio Cheha
In spring 2014, Studio Cheha launched their original BULBING project, which was successfully funded
in three days. By the end of the project, 1,830 backers pledged £111,854 to help bring this project to
life – an impressive 900% more than their pledged £12,000 goal. With your help, we continue to reach
for the stars!
Studio Cheha
Studio Cheha

In spring 2014, Studio Cheha launched their original BULBING project, which was successfully funded in three days. By the end of the project, 1,830 backers pledged £111,854 to help bring this project to life – an impressive 900% more than their pledged £12,000 goal. With your help, we continue to reach for the stars!
