MarcoMoni Tappeti

Manufacturer Mariano Comense / Italy

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MarcoMoni Tappeti
MarcoMoni will clear the magnificent world of carpets and rugs made of fine leather and fur.
Your previous view is the past.
We`ll change your mind about conventional things and transform your ideas about carpets and rugs.
We`ll show you creative way your new interior with our carpets of high quality leather and fur.
We create your new life foundation.
The fact that we know about carpets is your new aesthetics of your being and your life lightness.
The working process is filled with its own concept at each product.
We create carpets of different stylistic trends, sizes and shapes.
Rugs and carpets are inherently important part of the most up-to-date interior in the world. Small or wall-to-wall size, oval or rectangular, wall or floor carpet is a detail that consistently emphasizes style and there is often a central element in the room.
Young, talented, creative and ambitious designers from Italy, England and France elaborate all carpet models for MarcoMoni. They are really in love with their work.
At MarcoMoni we are experts in leather carpets. We get a invariably high quality in each of our product and it`s all about to the skills of our experts. We make our products from fine leather and fur by first-rate Italian producers.
Our craftsmen carefully hand-cut absolutely all the elements presented in the products, and that`s why we can achieve the highest quality and beauty, the whole-floor carpet`s effect and reliability.
Leather and fur carpets by MarcoMoni are your new reality. All these carpets and rugs complete under your sketch and desire, well-tailored and reliable, and we also use your personally selected materials.
Professional and individual approach is the basis of our work.
MarcoMoni Tappeti
MarcoMoni Tappeti
  • Address Via Monte Grappa, 28, 22066 Mariano Comense | Italy
  • Tel +39 388361835
  • Fax +39 3899218707

MarcoMoni will clear the magnificent world of carpets and rugs made of fine leather and fur. Your previous view is the past. We`ll change your mind about conventional things and transform your ideas about carpets and rugs. We`ll show you creative way your new interior with our carpets of high quality leather and fur. We create your new life foundation. The fact that we know about carpets is your new aesthetics of your being and your life lightness. The working process is filled with its...

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Gala Mikheeva
  • Gala Mikheeva
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