Novarte s.r.l.

Manufacturer Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata / Italy

6 Followers 2,204 Visits
Novarte s.r.l. 6
Novarte s.r.l.
From the kitchen to the interior decoration. Exclusively custommade.
Rigorously handcrafted. Through a philosophy based on a
continuous research and development of productive factors, Novarte
since its constitution has focused its attention on the authenticity of the
product and on the unlimited quality of the material. Design, reliability,
customization of the project, functionality and quality are the values that
belong to our genetic heritage. The passion and competence of every
partner make all this possible decisively contributing to actualize any
desire and expectation.
Novarte s.r.l.
Novarte s.r.l.
  • Address z.i. Polantonio - via Pascal, 64016 Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata | Italy

From the kitchen to the interior decoration. Exclusively custommade. Rigorously handcrafted. Through a philosophy based on a continuous research and development of productive factors, Novarte since its constitution has focused its attention on the authenticity of the product and on the unlimited quality of the material. Design, reliability, customization of the project, functionality and quality are the values that belong to our genetic heritage. The passion and competence of...

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