
Manufacturer Paris / France

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Oscillating between past and present, tradition and modernity, the VOLEVATCH endeavor is an unmistakably beautiful story. In 1975, during his flea markets strolls, Serge Volevatch - then intended to pursue a career as an urbanist - discovered a genuine admiration for period style bathrooms. Since these days, Serge Volevatch has become an expert in the art of restoring antique bathroom fittings, creating his own brand around a unique principle: authenticity of style and modern function. While committed to the conservation of the French bathroom legacy, he occasionally lets his creativity free to revisit certain great classics. Offrir ce qui ce fait de mieux, faire de chaque pièce unique une œuvre d’art dont l’artisan en serait l’artiste, tendre au sublime, provoquer l’émotion, telle est notre philosophie gravée dans l’ADN de Volevatch depuis le premier jour.
  • Address 108 Rue du Cherche-Midi, 75006 Paris | France
  • Tel 33 (0)1 42 22 42 55
  • Fax 33 (01) 55 78 22 46

Oscillating between past and present, tradition and modernity, the VOLEVATCH endeavor is an unmistakably beautiful story. In 1975, during his flea markets strolls, Serge Volevatch - then intended to pursue a career as an urbanist - discovered a genuine admiration for period style bathrooms. Since these days, Serge Volevatch has become an expert in the art of restoring antique bathroom fittings, creating his own brand around a unique principle: authenticity of style and modern function. While...

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