Sguilla Costruzioni srl

Building Construction Company Perugia / Italy

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Sguilla Costruzioni srl
The firm S.C. principally deals in both civil and industrial construction projects. S.C. is able to realise the construction of buildings to be used as residences such as villas and blocks of flats as well as structures both industrial and commercial including shops. Moreover, the firm is specialised in the restructuring and maintenance of farmhouses and period residences. S.C. competes in private and publicaly assigned contracts.
Sguilla Costruzioni srl
Sguilla Costruzioni srl
  • Address Strada Ponte della Pietra San Vetturino, 3/d, 06129 Perugia | Italy
  • Tel 0755838539
  • Tel 3357755483
  • Fax 0755838539

The firm S.C. principally deals in both civil and industrial construction projects. S.C. is able to realise the construction of buildings to be used as residences such as villas and blocks of flats as well as structures both industrial and commercial including shops. Moreover, the firm is specialised in the restructuring and maintenance of farmhouses and period residences. S.C. competes in private and publicaly assigned contracts.

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