Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP

Architecture Firm New York / United States

34 Followers 5,315 Visits
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP 34
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Minmetals Financial Center

Minmetals Financial Center

Shenzhen / China / 2019

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
World One 4

World One

Mumbai / India / 2018

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Spectrum Terrace

Spectrum Terrace

Irvine / United States / 2018

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Tivoli Hjørnet 77

Tivoli Hjørnet

Copenhagen / Denmark / 2017

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Spectrum Center

Spectrum Center

Irvine / United States / 2017

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
30 Dalton

30 Dalton

Boston / United States / 2016

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Finansbank Headquarters Interiors 1

Finansbank Headquarters Interiors

Istanbul / 2016

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
7 Bryant Park 1

7 Bryant Park

New York / United States / 2016

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
One La Jolla Center

One La Jolla Center

Jolla Center / United States / 2015

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
The Charles Darwin Centre 6

The Charles Darwin Centre

Darwin / Australia / 2015

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners has completed building and planning projects in more than 100 cities around the world. The firm’s clients include major corporations, private developers, and public authorities, as well as educational, cultural, and religious institutions.

The firm has been recognized by the American Institute of Architects (1968 Firm Award), the Illinois Council of the AIA (1985 Chicago Architecture Award), The New York Society of Architects (1992 Lifetime Achievement Award), and the New York State AIA (2009 Firm Award).

Projects by Pei Cobb Freed & Partners have been awarded 24 National Honor Awards for Architecture (the highest honor that the American Institute of Architects confers on individual projects), more than any other single-office architectural practice.

Based in New York, the firm’s partners and colleagues approach each project on its own terms, drawing inspiration less from formal or theoretical preconceptions than from particularities of place and program.

Across five decades of exceptionally diverse practice, two central themes are consistently evident in the firm’s body of work. The first is the conception of architecture and planning as an art of place-making—embodying above all else a concern for the quality of public space and public life. The second is a commitment to the craft of building—emanating from a belief that thoughtful use of materials and careful attention to detail are indispensable to the creation of a meaningful and responsible built environment.

Sustainability, in its social and technical manifestations, is a key aspect of both of these concerns and is evidenced by a roster of LEED-accredited professionals and a portfolio of projects shaped by consideration of climate, energy and water efficiency, daylight, and environmental quality. The firm’s innovative work ranges from one of the earliest AIA COTE Top Ten Green Projects to many current LEED Platinum and Gold projects, both certified and in design.

More about the firm’s recent and current work can be found at
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects LLP

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners has completed building and planning projects in more than 100 cities around the world. The firm’s clients include major corporations, private developers, and public authorities, as well as educational, cultural, and religious institutions. The firm has been recognized by the American Institute of Architects (1968 Firm Award), the Illinois Council of the AIA (1985 Chicago Architecture Award), The New York Society of Architects (1992 Lifetime Achievement Award), and...

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