Tacto Rugs

Manufacturer Paterna, Valencia / Spain

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Tacto Rugs
Tacto - in Spanish "sense of touch " - specializes in the design and production of contemporary hand-made rugs.
Tacto wants to awaken our senses by enhancing the essence of our high quality carpets. We live a new experience through textures, colors and designs. Warm and comfortable carpets adressing our feelings.

Tacto is the design brand of Kuatro carpets, a company with family tradition and years of experience in the production of carpets. Tacto is the fruit of that experience and the endeavor to offer a new and avant-garde product.
Tacto Rugs
Tacto Rugs
  • Address Calle Algepser 20, Parque Empresarial Táctica, 46980 Paterna, Valencia | Spain
  • Tel 0034 96 131 8019

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Tacto - in Spanish "sense of touch " - specializes in the design and production of contemporary hand-made rugs. Tacto wants to awaken our senses by enhancing the essence of our high quality carpets. We live a new experience through textures, colors and designs. Warm and comfortable carpets adressing our feelings. Tacto is the design brand of Kuatro carpets, a company with family tradition and years of experience in the production of carpets. Tacto is the fruit of that experience and the endeavor to offer a new and avant-garde product.