Dream Service Competition

Master in Service and Experience Design

by Domus Academy
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Dream Services Competition

The Master in Service and Experience Design launches the competition " Service Dreams . Designing the future of services for better living" open to professionals and graduates in business and design-related disciplines, humanity studies, social sciences, and communication.


Participants design challenge is to submit a proposal for an ideal service – Dream Service - to improve the quality of daily living in their own city/country (it can be
focused on mobility, social aspects, financial services, public support, travel, housing, etc.).
The idea should clearly represent a benefit for the users, promote social exchange, and encourage sustainable behaviors. Your dream service can rise from an existing context, you would really like to improve, or from an existing problem or users’ need that has not yet been answered. Participants should think about one or more possible user profiles, their preferences and their habits when living and moving around the city.


Projects will be evaluated and selected by the following jury:

- Gianluca Brugnoli, Chiara Diana, Fabio Sergio, Frog Design
- Claudio Moderini, Domus Academy Master in Interaction Design and Visual Brand Design Director
- Mario Trimarchi, Fragile
- Jan-Christoph Zoles, Experientia
- Elena Pacenti, Domus Academy Master in Service and Experience Design Director


- One scholarship covering 70% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.
- One scholarship covering 50% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.
- One scholarship covering 30% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.

Scholarships are available only for the September 2012 intake.


Electronic entries must be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected], or alternatively, hardcopy entries must be sent to:

Domus Academy SpA

Service Dreams Competition

Master Program in Service and Experience Design
Via Pichi, 18 - 20143 Milan - Italy

by and not later than May 4th, 2012.

Candidates will be informed about the results of the competition by e-mail on May 18th, 2012.  


If you want to read the detailed announcement, click the button below

    • Domus Academy

      Domus Academy

      Milan / Italy

      Domus Academy, founded in 1982, is a real point of connection between design, fashion and management culture. Disclaimer: The comments, posts and links posted on this page does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Domus Academy Domus Academy respects the right to freedom of expression - but will not tolerate any spam, abusive, prejudiced or slanderous comments about the school, any of its staff (past or present), students, graduates and anything else posted on this page. The School reserves)