We will We will rock ya!

Michael Heizer's levitated Mass reaches LACMA

by Malcolm Clark
1 Love 961 Visits

10 March 2012 – California, USA

Update to http://www.archilovers.com/s491/sisyphus-is-coming-to-lacma

Michael Heizer's tear shaped boulder has reached its destination. It arrived at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art at 4.35 am on Saturday morning after completing its 10 day, 60 mile journey. It was accompanied by the notes of Queen's anthem “We will rock you” What else?

There were over 1,000 people waiting to see the rock arrive and many touched and posed for photos with it, marvelling at its size. Indeed it weighs 340 tons and is 21 ½ feet high.

The rock, the work of artist and sculptor Michael Heizer, will be visible through the fence of the museum for a couple of days before being moved to its final position straddling the 456 ft long trench which the artist has already built on the campus of the museum behind the Resnick Exhibition Pavilion. When completed and latest projections suggest that it might be early in the Summer, visitors will be able to walk along the trench under the suspended monolithic boulder, thus having the rare opportunity of seeing one of Heizer's works from close up.

Regular updates and more information can be found on the museum's twitter account: http://twitter.com/#!/LACMA/ and on its website http://www.lacma.org/art/exhibition/levitated-mass.

    Lynda and Stewart Resnick Exhibition Pavilion 52

    Lynda and Stewart Resnick Exhibition Pavilion

    Los Angeles / United States / 2010