COMPETITION_Inhabited landscapes is an open call organised by the Italian Pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2014.
People’s video clips will be assembled and compiled to create a giant postcard of Italy as part of the “Inhabited Landscapes” video installation, a work created by Studio Azzurro on display inside the Pavilion.
The call is addressed to students and videomaker and is aimed at anybody interested in video and, in particular, the subject of the Italian architectural scene and landscape.
Each participant is asked to give their point of view, a personal and intimate interpretation of their surrounding spaces: a street, a square, a building, an intersection, a glimpse.
Through the operation the exhibition will be enriched by this collection of “animated postcards “, providing a testimony to the wealth and the architectural stratification that characterizes the Italian landscape, taken at the very moment in which it comes alive through the people who live it, having at the same time contributed to its transformation.
To enter the competition, just send your video clip to the following email address [email protected] by and no later than 12 p.m. on 4th May.
The videos, which in the meantime will be checked to see whether they conform to the specifications in the tender, will be distributed and made available on YouTube under Innesti-Grafting.
The results of the selection process will be announced on 30th May 2014.
To participate, download the guidelines