A handmade architecture

Frank Lloyd Wright at MoMA New York

by Maria Novozhilova
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These days there is one more reason to visit MoMA New York. A small exhibition dedicated to Frank Lloyd Wright displays architectural works from [literally] another era. “Density vs. Dispersal” reveals to visitors some secrets and difficulties of Wright’s handmade architecture: huge models made of tiny perfect elements, giant sketches totally drew by hand, and great ideas successfully developed in absence of any computer support. See more on http://novozhilovam.weebly.com/ 



  • bernardo re

    Non ci sono parole: guardate quella torre col "mile high Illinois" a sinistra, niente di più moderno. arch bernardo re

  • bernardo re

    I grattaceli di oggi, anche i più alti, sembrano anticaglie.

  • bernardo re

    In confronto ad essi. arch bernardo re

  • Maria Novozhilova

    Maria Novozhilova


    Milan / Italy

    Maria Novozhilova is a licensed architect who currently lives in Milan. She graduated from Politecnico di Milano (Bachelor + Master degrees) in 2013 receiving the highest scores for her university career. In the same year having passed successfully Italian State Exam she has officially received the qualification of architect. During recent years she had an opportunity to collaborate with Toyo Ito Architects and Associates (Tokyo), Osamu Ishiyama Laboratory (Tokyo), Metrogramma Andrea Boschetti )