DESIGN WEEK_ The world of decoration will be coming together at Paris Deco Off for the 5th year running, from 23 to 27 January 2014.
- Opening showroom doors in Paris is Paris Deco Off’s concept and it will be organising decorationoriented events on both sides of the river Seine for consumers and professionals.
- Once again visitors can push the door of the Decoration creators and Producers showrooms to discover the new collections
- More than 75 International Decoration Houses will be presented in the capital from 23 to 27 January 2014.
- All these Decoration Creators and Producers will surprise you by putting their skills to work based on this year’s theme: "Showcase your expertise: The Art, Manner, Materials, and Handiwork.
- As every year, Paris Deco Off is avant-garde by its trendy gifts, its magical lights put up on both the Left and Right Banks, and its concert that is now an institution, to create a melting pot of culture and heritage ... and many other surprises to come.
Dominique Picquier
GP&J Baker
Le Crin
Manuel Canovas
Paris Deco Off
From 23 to 27 January 2014