Full of void: Eutropia's renovation of a farmhouse

A revolution linked to the present with some traces of ancient techniques and materials

by Malcolm Clark
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Thick stone walls that have a bygone feel hide original details immersed in a space reinvented by Eutropia Architettura of Florence, for an Italo-British art collector. Full of Void, an architecture that is a perfect synthesis of contemporary needs and of a distant rural area.

A box that remembers and retains totally all the layers of a time and a Tuscan character that is not to be missed. From the outside a house nestled in the Chianti hills, near Arezzo, inside a reinvented home to accommodate friends from all over the world. A revolution completely linked to the present, only a few visible traces of ancient techniques, materials and flavours.

This is the place where I come when I want to relax”, it is the first thing that comes to mind to Fabrizio, the owner, when he thinks about this home. “Waking up in the morning with this silence, without the noise and bustle of the city, having breakfast with friends on the terrace and enjoying this wonderful place: it is precisely the simplicity of this place that fascinates and captivates me.”

“The first time I walked into this house - explains the designer Ugo Dattilo from Eutropia architects - I sensed that there was a spatial complexity that had been trapped by previous works and that was just waiting to be awakened. So I decided to remove as much as possible to create voids in which the space could flow freely”.

Thanks to these operations, the construction and material memories of the house came to light: stone walls, old wooden beams and outcropping rock. In this way, searching for a transversal dialogue between the times, these elements have been associated to new materials like glass, resin and Corten. The rest is about the light that flows between the floors, the mezzanines, the interior windows. The spaces have been designed to be invested and wrapped. The light also enters from the two large windows, almost voyeuristic cuts in the thick brick and stone walls that draw inside the green hills that paint the horizon by creating a direct link between the living area and the exterior: the most beautiful picture that the house could have.

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Full of Void

Moncioni / Italy / 2011