Urban Intervention Award Berlin and Urban Living Award 2013

Shortlisted projects on show at the Tempelhof Airport Berlin

by eleonora usseglio prinsi
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AWARD _ This year, the Urban Intervention Award Berlin, which was presented by the Senate Department of Urban Development for the second time following 2010 on a European level, was expanded in cooperation with Deutsche Wohnen AG to include the Urban Living Award.

These prizes recognise projects which contribute substantially to newly defining, revitalising and valorising city neighbourhoods. This can be the case with the transformation and conversion of old buildings as well as with new construction. The innovative and interdisciplinary cooperation between partners from different fields such as culture, architecture, initiative groups, business, and others also played a part in the selection process. The criteria for selection were the urbanistic approach, the sociocultural and social context, the use concept, the cooperation between project partners, and architectural and design-related aspects. 

Credits: Philippe Ruault; top Fernando Alda

The judging panel was composed by Regula Lüscher, Director of Urban Development, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin; Winy Maas, MVRDV, Rotterdam; Martin Rein-Cano, TOPOTEK 1, Berlin; Hortensia Völckers, Artistic Director of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Halle; and Manuela Damianakis, Deutsche Wohnen AG, Berlin. 

The shortlisted projects are on show at the Tempelhof Airport building / Alte Zollgarage, Platz der Luftbrücke in Berlin.

Credits: Serge Brison

The prize-winners and the projects nominated by the judging panel:

Urban Intervention Award Berlin 2013 

Built” category: Lecture Halls for the Université de Liège (Belgium) by Dethier Architecture

“Temporary” category: Test Site Rotterdam (The Netherlands) ZUS [Zones Urbaines Sensibles], Rotterdam

Urban Living Award 2013 

VinziRast – mittendrin, Vienna (Austria) by gaupenraub +/-, Vienna

Credits: Bow Wow

Urban Intervention Award Berlin 2013 

“Built” category

Etgar Keret's House, Warsaw (Poland) by Jakub Szczesny

Offene Metallwerkstatt Dynamo Zürich (Switzerland) by phalt Architekten AG, Zurich

Metropol Parasol (Spain) by J. MAYER H. Architects

Urban Intervention Award Berlin 2013 – “Temporary” category: 

BMW Guggenheim Lab - Berlin, by Atelier Bow-Wow and magma architecture

Sommerwerkstatt Wiesenburg, Berlin by Students of the summer semester 2012, Chair for Architectural Design and Construction of the TU Berlin, Prof. Donatella Fioretti, Marc Benjamin Drewes, Simon Mahringer, Christoph Rokitta, Berlin

Steel City SOUND SYSTEM Movement, Linz (Austria) by Students of the space & design strategies programme at the University of Art and Design Linz under the direction of visiting professor Lukas Feireiss

The Missing Link Jacket (Project for cities with a public transport system) by Eli Elysée, New York

Credits: Christa Lachenmaier

Urban Living Award 2013: 

Siedlung Buchheimer Weg, Cologne (Germany) by Architects: ASTOC Architects and Planners, Cologne

Lormont  (France) by Habiter Autrement, Paris Partner: Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Paris

haus H, Berlin by NÄGELIARCHITEKTEN (Gudrun Sack / Walter Nägeli), Berlin

R50, Berlin (Germany) by ifau und Jesko Fezer | HEIDE & VON BECKERATH, Berlin

    Etgar Keret's House 87

    Etgar Keret's House

    Warsaw / Poland / 2012

    Metropol Parasol 207

    Metropol Parasol

    Seville / Spain / 2011

    BMW Guggenheim Lab - Berlin 16

    BMW Guggenheim Lab - Berlin

    Berlin / Germany / 2012