Spanish architects elii's “Didomestic” in Madrid

The recovery of an attic through a flexible distribution system

by Malcolm Clark
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 Didomestic is the recovery of a loft carried out by Spanish architects elii. The project envisages refurbishing the structure and creating a system of organization of the interior spaces. The strategy adopted is that of taking advantage of the free plan to manage the space in the most flexible way.

Two elements organize the environment, the central core, which integrates the staircase, a library and a pantry, and two side bands. The nucleus is at the centre of the attic and connects the two levels of the apartment, allowing natural light to filter through holes in the roof to light up the whole space.

On the two outer structures there are the kitchen, the bathroom and related appliances.

Inside the 'secret trap doors' built into the ceiling and the floor of the loft there are other domestic functions” explain Uriel Fogué Herreros, Eva Gil Lopesino and Carlos Palacios Rodriguez founders of the architecture office “trap doors and sliding panels complement the basic configuration, fit the needs of the moment and provide different home layout combinations.”

    Didomestic 105


    Madrid / Spain / 2013