Experimental Creations: design exhibition part of Tokyo Design Week

7th to 8th November @Light Box Studio Aoyama

by Valentina Ieva
3 Love 2022 Visits

International Creative Exchange Programme will present “Experimental Creations”  exhibition from 7th to 8th November, in the occasion of Tokyo Design Week 2013. This is the first exhibition organized by the association, whose mission is to promote young Japanese creative excellence to the worldwide market.  Seven designers are selected for this event to show flexible approach toward material applications.

The designers who take part of Experimental Creations Project are: Studio Bycolor, one tenth, Kenji Fukushima, 3-1 design, bounce, Daisuke Motogi and Ryosuke Fukusada. The materials used for creations come from metal to burlap, to wood, cork, to acrylic sheets.

During the exhibition designers will present the techniques, methods and processes they employed upon conducting experimentations for this project. The most important goal of the exhibition is to show the future business partners for designers.

ICEP is organizing a platform of where designers can express their creativity without using their products or prototypes as a form media.


    • Valentina Ieva

      Valentina Ieva


      Bari / Italy

      Laureata in Ingegneria edile-architettura, giornalista per professione, web writer per diletto. Amante di architettura, design, fotografia e libri di carta. Dipendente dai social, Instagram e InstaStories su tutti. Affamata di vita, viaggi e storie da scoprire. Qualunque forma d'arte mi affascina da sempre e non posso pensare una vita senza: emozioni forti, immaginazione, buona musica, cucina pugliese, sole e gatti. Per dirla con le parole di Battiato, non potrei vivere senza: ‘un soffio al)
