Forever Bicycles, the new installation by genius Ai Weiwei

3,144 bicycles forming a complex labyrinth-like monument

by Serena L. Rosato
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INSTALLATION_ World-renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei is exhibiting in Toronto the new edition of his Forever Bicycles sculpture: 3,144 interconnected bicycles form a three-dimensional structure creating an incredible visual effect. 

Yong Jiu, literally translated as "forever", is the foremost bicycle brand in China; Ai re-interprets such everyday found objects in an abstract and symbolic way. The sheer quantity of bikes and the diverse perceptions of viewing points create a colossal labyrinth-like, visually moving space, which represents the changing social environment in China and around the globe. 

Ai Weiwei Forever Bicycles Toronto 2013 from Ryan Emond on Vimeo

 Photo © Ryan Emond



    • Serena L. Rosato

      Serena L. Rosato


      Bari / Italy

      Architetto per vocazione, web writer per diletto. Progetta spazi e costruisce idee giocando con pixel e inchiostro, occhi curiosi e delicata ironia. Attenta ai dettagli e distratta dalle novità, costantemente alla ricerca della bellezza delle cose. Dichiarata dipendenza da viaggi, musei e scarpe. ____________________________________________________________ Architect by vocation , web writer for pleasure. She designs and builds spaces ideas playing with ink and pixels, curious eyes and de)

    Forever Bicycles 18

    Forever Bicycles

    Toronto / Canada / 2013