The ARK NOVA Concert hall by Arata Isozaky in Japan

The Japanese architect designs a mobile theatre in collaboration with Anish Kapoor

by Malcolm Clark
11 Love 3820 Visits

The new ARK NOVA Movable Concert hall, designed by Arata Isozaki and Indian-born British artist Anish Kapoor, is an inflatable structure that includes all the services and equipment, in addition to the areas housing the stage and technical areas.

The installation was created in the Miyagi District (Japan), the first stage of the Lucerne Festival that will stop off at all the major cities in Japan affected by the 2011 earthquake.

The purple coloured elastic membrane can be conveniently erected and deflated to allow for easy transport. The interior consists of a single space, which can accommodate different types of events such as exhibitions, jazz concerts or artistic performances according to the needs of the organization and equipment.

The 18 m high, 30 m wide and 36 m deep building is designed to hold 500 spectators during the orchestra performances.

  • Silvia Laghi

    Affascinante, ma un pò avrei timore ad entrarci. Lo stile Anish Kapoor è fortissimo. Sicuramente è antisismico!

  • Manuela Andreotti

    a parte l'altissimo livello estetico di questa struttura, che gioca con volumi, luci e trasparenze, trovo che dia un contributo simbolico fortissimo alle popolazioni terremotate, che forse hanno bisogni reali diversi dal teatro, ma che vedono la vita, la cultura e l'arte riavvicinarsi a loro.

ARK NOVA Movable Concert hall 47

ARK NOVA Movable Concert hall

Miyagi District / Japan / 2013