DESIGN_ The FFD - Fédération Française de Design - is a collective where everyone has freedom of self-expression without any hierarchical bond. Thus no design “stars”, an accessible design, simple typologies, a genuine spirit reminding everyone that design is a part of everyday life and that every object surrounding us ,from the most ordinary to the fanciest, has been thought and designed.
Yesterday the two teams, each one made of 11 people, competed against each other on the theme "Wood and Black vs. White and Wood". The collective is made of 7 girls and 15 boys aged from 23 to 35, forming two eclectic teams which shown a great variety of formations (22 different design schools) and professional paths enlightening every aspect of design.
The pieces are 70% made out of wood in order to homogenize the two team's final result and to show French woodworkers' skills. The typologies are numerous: pepper mill, mirror, toolbox, coat rack, fan, toy, light, side table… each chosen by the designer itself.
White team's pieces
Alto Mezzo - Jonathan Le Monnier
Caba - Elise Fauveau
Coupes - Charles Seuleusian
Culbuto - Joseph Assi Meidan
Fuzo - Bertrand Besnard
Icosa - Linda Bayon
Les _les - Piergil Fourquié
Les Clubs - Piergil Fourquié
Les Sinueuses - Lionel Dinis Salazar
Lilio - Jonathan Le Monnier
Niché - Quentin Simonin
Obliques - Lili Cheng
Tuiles - Elise Fauveau
White team's pieces
Aura - Jacopo Ferrari
Composite - Emeline Lavocat
Fit - Marta Polenghi
Intersections - Alfredo Da Silva
Joule- Judith Schachermayer
Jules et Jim - Romain Jung
La Bellevilloise - Maxime Abela
Le Sel et le Poivre -Pierre Dubourg
L'utile - Pierre Dubourg
Tresse - Mickaël Dejean
Vague - Pascal Hien
Yummy - Ségolène Huet
The pieces confronted each other on a ring, in a thrilling head-to-head beneath Louvre's pyramid. The visitors decided: and the winner is... Wood and Black!!! The winning team awarded the first French Cup of Design at the end of Paris Design Week.
Black team - captain: Élise Fauveau
Linda Bayon, Bertrand Besnard, Lili Cheng, Lionel Dinis Salazar, Piergil Fourquié, Jonathan Le Monnier, Joseph Meidan, Charles Seuleusian, Quentin Simonin
White team - captain: Pierre Dubourg
Maxime Abela, Alfredo Da Silva, Mickaël Dejean, Jacopo Ferrari, Pascal Hien, Segolène Huet, Romain Jung, Emeline Lavocat, Marta Polenghi, Judith Schachermayer
What is the future of French Federation of Design?
The next step for FFD will be a contest against foreign Federations, this is the reason why designers from 5 different countries took part to this first exhibition in order to seize the organization, the spirit and the creative “line”. Further projects will be started by smaller teams in order to keep the collective alive all year long: everybody can submit a theme and select the designers she/he wishes to work with.