BCN 2013 Swimming World Championships Medals by Lagranja design

by Gerard Sanmartí
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18/07/2013 - After a year of hard work we're very glad to show you the medals, gadgets and podiums we designed and manufactured for BCN 2013 Swimming World Championships, taking place in Barcelona from July 19th.

Barcelona 2013 Simming World Championship Medals MAKING OF from Lagranja Design on Vimeo.

Wanting to do something unconventional but deeply rooted into the swimming world, we borrowed the idea of a silicon strap from the swim goggles. This opened to lagranja a full range of possibilities.

Silicon's technological properties enabled us to hold the medal in a completely different way, embracing it instead of hanging it. This, of course, lead us to new forms.

When asked to design a commemorative medal, we followed the same principles we used for the winner one, just substituting the thick golden, silver or bronze coin for a light metal ring.

Have a look to the video we prepared!

  • Silvia Laghi

    molto belle

  • trevor Stratford

    Love the concept, the manufacture and the resulting conclusion which is beautifully elegant.

  • Gerard Sanmartí

    Gerard Sanmartí


    Barcelona / Spain

    Born in Barcelona in 1974. In 1996 he graduated in design from ELISAVA and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours in Southampton after completing a year’s studies at the University of Industrial Arts in Helsinki. In 1997 he founded the creative collective Dforma espaciobjetoimagen, which he left to move to Treviso (Italy), where he worked for a year at Fabrica, the Benetton group s communication research centre. After this period, he returned to Barcelona to found the new studio Lagranja, Design for Companies and Friends. Since 2000 he has been a teacher at ELISAVA, he has led workshops at various European design schools (IUAV Venice, Utrecht School of Arts) and, since 2002, he has been the coordinator and instructor for the Master in Corporate Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Barcelona.)

BCN 2013 Swimming World Championships Medals 9

BCN 2013 Swimming World Championships Medals

Barcellona / Spain / 2013