INSTALLATION - The temporary installation S. João Structure Installation in Porto was a result of anWorkshop by FAHR 021.3, with a local community for the event Acorda! at the Guimarães Institute Design in June 2013.
S. João is a Portuguese typical street party, one of Europe’s liveliest street festivals, characterized by the colour of ribbons and flags hanged on the streets, fireworks and fire balloons launched through the night.
The result of the installation reinterprets this party decoration by making hanged balloons made by a material that reflects the colours and shines like firework.
“We believe that temporary structure can create new socialization spaces in the city. Because it's an installation that has reflexions and that moves with the wind and touch, it provokes curiosity in the people. S. João Structure invites them to interact with the installation and between people, and therefore socialization” explained Filipa Frois Almeida co-founder of the studio “As technique we used 3d software to obtain the different highs of the balloons. Because the budget was very low, we used cheap materials such as strings, springs, card and mirrored film.”