Winners of the Architecture in Stone Award 2013 announced

Projects by ARUP, Campo Baeza and Max Dudler on show at Marmomacc

by Malcolm Clark
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The winners of the Architecture in Stone Award, the biennial award that celebrates the best architectural productions built using stone, have just been announced.

The jury, coordinated by Vincenzo Pavan, met in March and analysed 29 architectural works of the last two or three years in eleven different countries. The winning works are:

Arup Associates - The Druk White Lotus School - Ladakh, India (Pictured above)

Alberto Campo Baeza - Offices for Junta Castilla León - Zamora, Spain

Max Dudler – Castle Visitors Centre - Heidelberg, Germany

MiAS ARCHITECTS - Redevelopment of urban spaces - Banyoles, Girona, Spain

Carl Fredrik Svenstedt - Stone House - Luberon, France

Special mention was given to the project of the Sassi Matera - Casa Cava Quarry House, while the “ad memoriam” Prize has been attributed to Alessandro Anselmi (1934-2013).

The selected works will be illustrated and described in a prestigious catalogue, which is the prize itself and will be the subject of an exhibition of drawings, photos, videos, models as well as stone materials used in the construction set up during the Exhibition inside Hall 7B. The initiative will be completed by the official award ceremony of the winners which will take place on Wednesday, September 25th in the cultural space of Marmomacc.


    The Druk White Lotus School 10

    The Druk White Lotus School

    Shey / India / 2011

    Offices for Junta Castilla León 235

    Offices for Junta Castilla León

    Zamora / Spain / 2012

    Casa Cava - Matera 42

    Casa Cava - Matera

    Matera / Italy / 2011