Can Ribas by Jaime Ferrer Forés in Palma de Mallorca

The recovery of a former textile factory built in 1851 in the La Soledat district

by Malcolm Clark
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The renovation and revitalization of the factory Can Ribas, as part of a wider program of the redevelopment of the area La Soledat, was designed by the Spanish firm Jaime Ferrer Forés architect. The programme provides for the recovery of the historical heritage of the area, the satisfaction residential requirements and the integration between the former industrial area and the new residences.

The old textile factory was built in 1851 in the La Soledat district of Palma de Mallorca Over the years, the factory has undergone a series of extensions and conversions, only to be abandoned in the seventies, when the production of woollen blankets ceased.

The project of restoration and renovation was conducted with the objective of opening the old industrial area to the rest of the neighbourhood, respecting the history of the most valuable architectural elements, which have been restored and integrated into the surrounding urban context.

The same space that separates the factory from the new calle de Brotad has been redesigned as a public space of connection and dialogue between old and new: a true square with green and urban furniture.

    Can Ribas 79

    Can Ribas

    Palma de Mallorca / Spain / 2011